You are never too young to start a new empire and never too old to start a new dream. Shardae Jefferson is a young, smart, empowered boss and the owner of Shardaisy online boutique. I met Shardae via social media. I came across her fashion blog and was motivated by her drive and style. We connected on Instagram as she was interested in my journey when I moved to a new city alone. Shardae always been passionate about fashion and her confidence will inspire you to embrace your style. Today she will be sharing her journey to entrepreneurship while being fearless.

Tell us about yourself. What inspired you to start your online fashion boutique Shardaisy?

— I have a degree in fashion merchandising so my interest in fashion was always there but It didn’t cross my mind to open a boutique until 2019. I was working as a personal shopper and so many people would ask me what I’m wearing or where I got it from. I’m a huge fan of Mina Monroe and I’m like you know what, maybe I should try my hand in having a boutique.

What inspired you to take a leap of faith and move to Dallas while starting your business?

— Another thing that dawned on me in 2019 was that I wanted to move in 2020. Michigan is home but it’s slow motion. I needed to be in an environment where I could really grow and push myself. I didn’t really intend on moving and starting a business but it’s just how my cards played out.

How did you transition from working a full time job and becoming a full time entrepreneur? Was there a specific moment that motivated you to make that shift?

— The pandemic pushed me into being a full time entrepreneur. I started buying inventory while I was employed and planned to start my business while being employed. When I got laid off I’m like well, there’s no better time than now. So I took an online marketing course, got my LLC, created my website, and hit the ground running.

What is a typical work day for you?

—- Typically I start out checking my emails then website. If I have orders I pack them and go to the post office. If not, I rearrange things on my website and figure out new ways to market myself. I’m currently taking an ads course which takes up a lot of my time.

How has social media affected your career as a creator and entrepreneur?

— I would say it’s made it easier in most aspects. I’m able to put myself and brand in front of people without having to leave my house. The hard part is the algorithms. My engagement on IG has been super low as of late so I’m trying to figure ways to grow on there. Most of my sales come from Facebook through thankfully.

What is the most difficult challenge you've ever had to overcome and how did you overcome it?

— I would say finding a Texas customer base. I started my business 2 months before I moved so my Michigan customer base is solid. The downside of that is the weather differences. Michigan has moved into fall and it’s still hot in Texas so I’m in a awkward space of buying fall clothes and literally sweating taking pictures in them. So I’m doing some pop up shops here to get my name and brand out there.

What is one thing you wish you would have known before starting your own business?

— How to run ads! I know so many people that make a killing off ads so I’m definitely learning and applying things now. Hopefully in a few months I can have a few ads that are tried and true so they bring in money without me having to post all the time.

If you had one piece of advice for someone starting out what would it be?

— Get an idea of what you want your brand to be and look like before you launch. I find myself changing things a lot whereas if I would’ve had a better direction in the beginning I wouldn’t have to. Also there will be slow days but don’t give up.

How do you de-stress after a long day and find a balance between working and creating space for self-care?

— I decompress by watching something mindless. I get really stressed sometimes about sales, growth, and things I’m trying to do but I just have to remind myself that it’s all a marathon — there will be ups and downs but just have to keep on keeping on. I also decompress by going on long walks with my dog. I spend a lot of time in the house so I need fresh air sometimes.

Where can we find and learn more about your business?

My website is and all of my social media handles are @shardaisy. My shop IG is @shopshardaisy