Taylor Hunter.jpeg

Taylor Hunter is a full-time photographer, content creator, and writer, passionate about wellness, creative entrepreneurship, natural beauty and self-exploration. I met Taylor a few days after she moved to Atlanta, GA at the xoNecole Elevate Her event. Her energy was so pure and refreshing and you can tell she was on a mission. Taylor reminded me of myself when I first took that leap of faith and moved to a new city. Months later I’m still running into Taylor at events with her camera in her hand solo dolo grinding. Taylor shows up in every moment like she's meant to be there. She is a true definition of a hustler and continues to represent for women in photography.

What inspired you to start photography and when did you start your business?

I always loved art growing up. From painting, to drawing, to sculpting, I was fascinated with creating! I had a lot of point and shoot cameras throughout my childhood and teen years. My senior year of high school, my parents gifted me with a DSLR camera. One of my friends asked me to photograph her senior portraits and I've been shooting ever since. So technically I started my business my senior year of high school. I launched my business officially in 2016. Overall I've been shooting for 8 years. I can't believe it's been that long.

You recently moved from Louisiana to Atlanta alone to continue chasing your dreams. Tell us how your journey been and what inspired you to take that leap of faith?

I KNEW without a doubt that as soon as my lease was up in Louisiana that I was moving somewhere. It was time for me to leave and spread my wings. I’ve always had this personal goal of living out of the state and at the time I finally found that I no longer had a reason or excuse to create to stay. Atlanta was high on my list because of the media industry though. I chose Atlanta because of my career as a photographer. I knew that this place would be a good launching pad as a young black creative entrepreneur. People in this city are here to help you achieve your goals. Everyone is business minded. Everyone is grinding. Everyone is just going for it. Being surrounded by that energy everyday is really motivating. 

Take us through your typical work day? Do you have a morning routine?

My morning routine is sooooo precious to me. I wake up, make coffee or tea, (depending how much rest I got the night before), and cook breakfast while listening to music. I eat and listen to a podcast. I meditate for 4-8 minutes and then I journal/read. I try to do this every single morning to start my day off on a good note. It's so important! I've never really been a morning person but creating this routine has made me incredibly excited about waking up. 

Throughout the rest of my day I work on various tasks like emails, editing, client calls, marketing research, shooting, etc. I make a to do list the night before but I also give myself a lot of grace and flexibility throughout my work day. That's the beauty of being self-employed in my opinion.

What is your favorite part about being your own boss?

I love the freedom and flexibility. I love being able to also focus on myself and my personal growth. I love inspiring other people to follow their dreams as well.

What is the most difficult challenge you've ever had to overcome and how did you overcome it?

All transparency... probably my most recent break up. I feel like as a society we are so used to seeing relationships end on a bad note but mine didn't so I wasn't quite sure how to come to terms with it.  We both knew that it was time for us to focus on ourselves separately, but I also wanted to hold on so badly. Luckily, it allowed me to get to know myself on such a deeper level than I ever thought was possible. I've definitely blossomed and learned so many beautiful lessons from that experience. I'm grateful. Everyone comes into your life for a reason. <3 

What is one thing you wish you would have known before starting your own business?

That you'll always wonder what's "next". 

If you had one piece of advice for someone starting out what would it be?

If you are passionate about something, don't give up.

How do you de-stress after a long day?

A good hot bubble bath with a bomb playlist :)

Where can we find and learn more about your photography services?

@goldentimetay &