How to Get Your Vibe in Check?

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A good vibe consists of a healthy mindset along with your confidence reaching its peak. This vibe starts to rub off on others because people love to be smothered in great energy. It’s almost like they can’t get enough of you. You know when you get that fresh cut or fresh hairstyle and when you leave the house you start to walk differently because you know you look good! The confidence is on 1000 and you’re smiling from ear to ear because your just happy to be alive. You will start to turn heads because you look good, enjoying life and that positive energy will start to rub off on others. I’ve been overwhelmed and for a while, I’ve been having mini breakdowns that’s been causing me to be closed off. My vibe was off so I had to get myself together. It’s best to check your vibe early before it gets way too deep and it starts to become harder to pick yourself up. I noticed my energy was shifting and it started to affect how I navigate through my everyday lifestyle. Here are a few ways I helped get my vibe in check.

Figure out what’s disturbing your energy

In order to get your vibe in check, you have to figure out the root of the problem. This will allow you to come up with a strategy that will help shift your energy. I woke up one Saturday morning and called my health insurance requesting a therapist. I noticed my energy started to shift daily and my anxiety was on an all-time high due to some personal issues in my life. My job offers an employee assistance program which focuses on providing employees with mental health services for free. So instead of me complaining I utilized the service.

Take yourself on a date…. TREAT YO SELF!

Omg, I always read about how it’s so important to take yourself on a date and get to know your inner self. I still struggle with this but I challenged myself to go out early in the day alone. I dressed up as if I was going on a real date with someone else and I made sure I looked and felt good so when I walk into the establishment I’m confident! It turned out I had so much fun I almost ended up at a day party alone but my phone was dying so I had to rush home to recharge. I made a promise to take myself out at least once a month. This allows you to get more comfortable with being alone instead of depending on others to be present.

Schedule a girls day and surround yourself around people who light up your spirit

It isn’t anything like a good laugh with your girlfriends! Nobody could ever replace the bonds I have with my friends. Sometimes you need to be surrounded around energy that uplifts you and brightens your day! My friends will tell you I’m a clown and they bring out the best in me even when I don’t feel like myself. Whenever I’m around my friends I try to talk less about what I’m going through and focus on the positives of how this will help me grow.


Don’t overwhelm yourself just have fun with it! Do what makes you feel comfortable and your mindset about the gym and working out will start to shift. I got back in the gym for My job has a gym that is super convenient so why not work on the things I complain about! I feel super energized and I take my time, stay in my lane and do what works for me. I like to play my favorite song and stand in the mirror while watching myself do a few workouts. When I tell you your girl be feeling herself and it gives my energy a boost!

Turn up the music

Lately, I’ve been playing upbeat music! I forgot how much I love reggae It reminds me of my sex appeal and how much I love to dance. I grew up on reggae my dad played it all the time especially in the car and my mother and aunts would have the speakers on full blast with the walls and floors of our apartment vibrating. Music does something to my soul and no matter what emotion I’m in when that reggae come on its over! Find your favorite song or album that make you feel like you again.

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I started this thing where no matter what mood I’m in I will still get out of the bed and look my best. I can’t feel like crap and look like crap because now my mood will continue to sink into a deeper hole. On my worst days, I try to look my best and state daily affirmations to help me knock off any negative energy that may try to interrupt my day.

Your life is as good as your mindset. We have the power to control the energy we no longer want to serve! What are some ways you help get your vibe in check when you’re feeling low?